Become an Accredited
You're clearly ready to up-skill for an amazing new career or to add a new and exciting skill-set of expertise to your existing business by training to become a fully accredited Fertility Expert-Coach!
Let me first start by saying CONGRATULATIONS. You have made a really great decision. Not only for you and your career, but for the countless women and men who need the vital skills of a highly qualified Fertility Expert-Coach to support them during their fertility journey.
Once trained and qualified in this highly specialised area you will have so many ways of working with clients, through group coaching, one-to-one settings, virtually or in your own private fertility coaching clinic.
Becoming part of Women's Health and Fertility Coaching has never been so exiting because we're finally talking about our needs as women, and reach out for support when needed.
Are you ready to BE that support? We thought so!
What you get:
- Training in an extensive programme that carries the highest level of internationally recognised accreditation - the Fertility Expert-Coach professional qualification.
- Practitioner led deep-dive training, mentorship and support.
- Video recorded training modules plus monthly live teaching of every module and extensive support.
- 12-months free access to the high-value Women's Health Network inner-circle education membership once qualified.
- Full access to the done-for-you "6-Step Path-To-Parenthood" programme that can be used immediately once qualified.
- Business mentorship to include helping you create a sales page blueprint, a 12-month action plan and define and find your audience!
- Participation in a growing and exciting women's health community.
- Full guidance when applying for practitioner accreditation once qualified.
- 20% discounted access to any future Women's Health Network paid training and mentoring programmes.
- A brand new CAREER.
- SO MUCH MORE (including new colleagues and friends!).

Apply to become an accredited FERTILITY EXPERT-COACH
An exciting new career awaits you!
Women's Health Network
Is accredited Fertility Expert-Coach training right for me?
What is involved in this accredited training?
What EXACTLY do I get at the end of this training?
What is an 'Nutrition-Focused Practitioner'?
Is there anything else I need to know?
Fertility therapy is a VERY rewarding career! BUT you 100% need to know exactly what you're doing in order to fully support your client and get them tangible results.
This career places you centre stage in your clients journey, and with that comes the responsibility and honour of being able to make a huge difference to their lives. You can be the person to get them one step closer to their dream of becoming a parent!
This is also a very vulnerable stage in their life, and they will have so many questions for you. Questions you will be able to confidently answer during and after this training and mentorship programme.
There is a lot your client will want from you, and even more that they will need in order to succeed on this journey, such as robust reproductive cells, healthy eggs and sperm and a uterine lining that is ready to implant the tiny and already-loved embryo your clients are hoping to create and are dreaming about. Alongside all of this, they will need a champion in their corner - supporting them, signposting for them and helping them traverse the sometimes unknown and often painful challenge that is the fertility journey.
So, if you're ready to help clients do the following - this programme is for you:
Understand their fertility and fertile cycle
Listen to what their body is telling them about their fertility
Optimise their egg and sperm health
Enhance their uterine health
Minimise miscarriage risks
Support their mental and emotional needs
Signpost to other supports
Educate them on jargon and tests
Help them believe in miracles!
Existing Nutrition-Focused Practitioners
Enjoy 12-months of deep dive fertility learning and coaching skills and discover:
- The N.E.S.T Method of Fertility Coaching
- The main causes of infertility, idiopathic infertility, and our Fertility Foundations *main steps*
- Fertility related laboratory testing, Functional Medicine testing and routine GP lead fertility focused testing
- How to minimise miscarriage risks, nutrition for fertility, supplements for fertility and male specific fertility
- Lifestyle medicine for fertility
- Who you are as a coach!
- How to create and run an amazing and rewarding fertility-focused business

Non Nutrition-Focused Practitioners
- You are 100% eligible to join this programme even if you don't have a nutrition or health-focused education or employment background with certain t&c's.
- Alternatively, if you have already trained in a CAM practice modality or as a coach you will be a step ahead of yourself on this programme.
- Likewise if you are an embryologist, fertility nurse, medical doctor or allied health professional this training will be an excellent fit for you.
- If you have personal experience of a fertility challenge then we wholeheartedly welcome you too!
- There may be parts of this programme some of you may not be qualified to deliver to your clients such as nutrition and supplements that target physiology - however - this information will be solid on your radar, you will be taught how important these elements are to enhancing fertility and you will have access to these missing elements either via us or viaa fellow WHN colleague.
I'm IN!
An exciting new career awaits me!
18-Month Payment Plan Also Available
Address: Dunderrow, Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland, P19ND26
Disclaimer: Any information or content provided by Women's Health Network© (WHN©) website or live or via other mediums such as social media has been designed by WHN© to give you further information regarding women's health and fertility health. The information shared here, and during/on any webinars, masterclasses, lectures, handouts, resources, live Q&A and any other content shared by WHN© is not intended to be used to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder that you, your clients or your contacts may or may not have been diagnosed with by your or their medical doctor or consultant. Likewise, any content shard by WHN© is not intended to replace the medical advice you, your clients or your contacts may be currently receiving, have received or will receive in the future plus any treatments you or they may be undertaking, have undertaken or will undertake in the future. Any content or information discussed or disclosed by WHN© has not considered your, your clients or your contacts personal medical history and any medications/supplements you or they may be taking, have taken or will take in the future. No portion of the content or intellectual property of WHN© can be reproduced or copied. Specific content or intellectual property of WHN© that can be share or copied by members/students of WHC© shall be highlighted to members/students of WHC©.
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