Egg, Sperm & Uterine Health

It's easy to assume that the oocyte developing in the ovarian follicle is very well removed from any negative influences and changes in the external environment. We wish! These wonderful cells (the largest in the body) don't enjoy a protected existence alas, and can be influenced by both external and internal factors. That said, this influence can be either negative or positive, and we're striving for the latter. Groups of amazing oocytes (immature eggs) are maturing at any given time and during this time chromosomal replication of DNA is occurring. Replication that goes awry = abnormal eggs. These eggs generally don't fertilise, or can result in miscarriage if they do produce an embryo that implants. We want to produce eggs that generate enough energy for replication, and have an antioxidant status that can buffer toxicity. All of this, and so much more, helps up produce robust eggs, ready to be fertilised. Likewise for sperm health. Fertility challenges are generally 50/50 for women and men, in cases where the cause of the fertility challenge is known. So it's not all about the eggs! The swimmers need to be able to swim, in the right direction, in their right form and with enough energy to propel them forward. Sperm needs to have normal DNA too. Coming back to our mum-to-be, encouraging the growth and health of the uterine lining is the next piece to our puzzle, along with the health of the female reproductive tract which is so more than ovaries and uterus. There are certain elements that need to be promoted within this tract to encourage embryo implantation, some of which may be of particular importance for anyone undergoing IVF. I show you all of this, and more, inside the Optimum Fertility Best Health Plan™ (included in my IVF Baby™ programme).
Together we have this.