Pre-IVF Best Health PlanTM
What is the Pre-IVF Best Health Plan™
To put it as simply as possible, this is a comprehensive yet easy-to-follow fertility health plan that tells you everything you need to know about food, lifestyle and supplements for fertility and IVF. It is designed specifically for those embarking on IVF to help them optimise the health of their reproductive system and fertility, but can also be used for those aiming for a natural pregnancy.
The Pre-IVF Best Health Plan™ is an on-line guided programme designed to do the following:
- Boost egg health
- Enhance sperm health
- Optimise implantation
- Promote pregnancy
- Minimise miscarriage risks
- Support you prior to and during IVF treatment.
Using specific and targeted Functional Medicine, Nutritional and Lifestyle Medicine protocols this programme gives you all the fertility-enhancement information you need to optimise your fertility-health and in turn, your chances of IVF success.
The ultimate aim of the Pre-IVF Best Health Plan™ is to create the best chances of success for you by helping you optimise your full reproductive function and to help you produce the very best eggs and sperm that you can, so you can hand these wonderful robust and healthy cells to your embryologist for your IVF treatment.
I understand human fertility - I've studied it for years. I've also worked with fertility clients in my private practice as a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Registered Nutrition Practitioner for nearly two decades. This programme, brings you everything I have. I have listened to what clients and those experiencing fertility challenges have said, what they are looking for and what they are asking for and I have put it all together for you here, in one package.
I have also been where you are. My beautiful babies are IVF babies. I understand this journey and I understand you too, and what you may be going through physically, emotionally and financially.
With me as your guide, I want to be able to lift some of your worries. I want you to be able to leave behind the go-it-alone approach whilst I show you exactly how to optimise your fertility for IVF, allowing you stand back from overwhelm and confusion, and finally wave bye-bye to the services of ‘Dr Google’.
I have poured my heart and soul into designing this plan to help get you so much closer to where you want to be, and I am so honoured that you have entrusted part of your journey to me.
Who is this for?
- You are facing IVF and want to do more. You want an expert to show you EVERYTHING you should be doing before treatment to help optimise your success.
- You have reached a point of total clarity and know you want a real and tangible plan that is designed specifically to boost egg and sperm health, promote uterine lining and minimise miscarriage risks.
- You have faith, hope, strength, and sass, and you will trust in me because you know your best interests are at the heart of everything I do.
- You realise your journey to parenthood isn’t the same as those who conceive easily. You are reaching out for extra help, and this gives you hope.
- You want someone to pull it all together for you and clearly show you what you need, and what you don’t when it comes to food, lifestyle, supplements and more.
- You want to finally wave bye-bye to the services of ‘Dr Google’ and be shown exactly how to optimise your fertility prior to and during IVF without feeling overwhelmed or confused and without being consumed by fertility information-overload.
Inside the Pre-IVF Best Health Plan™ you will:
Discover the FIRST VITAL STEP of this method – the ‘Foundations to Fertility-Health’ step. Here we lay down a solid foundation to better fertility-health by supporting some key core systems. This is one of the most important steps in this method and lays down the core building blocks of your plan.
Partake in a functional medicine and nutrition HEALTH CHECK. Right from the off you will be guided through the exact health checks I use in clinic to give you a much deeper understanding of your own fertility-health needs. You will no longer need to second guess any of this and I will help you catch things that may otherwise have slipped through the net and compromised your success.
Gain access to a robust Pre-IVF plan – tailored to YOU. Everyone’s baseline plan will be the same, but you will be signposted towards information that may be important to you as you progress through the programme. This will help you create a more personalised plan, unique to you. As you will have access to nutrition information, supplement protocols, mindfulness guides, emotional support methods, and so much more this programme is a full-support toolbox that has been designed with the needs of the IVF-client – you – in mind
Unearth a full list of the ‘MAIN OFFENDERS’ that compromise fertility-health and pregnancy and get clear guidance on where you are being exposed to these and how to minimise that exposure in the days, weeks and months prior to IVF.
Have full sight of the range of foods you SHOULD be eating in order to optimise your egg health, promote implantation and encourage pregnancy. You will also discover the foods you shouldn’t be eating – for example pea protein!
Build a PERSONALISED supplements protocol: You will be given clear sight of the main Pre-IVF supplements that often complement the fertility journey and will get full sight of what might benefit you in the Pre-IVF stage of therapy.
Discover supportive Pre-IVF lifestyle, mindfulness and emotional support protocols, and be guided on how to include these AND some well-deserved ‘me time’ into your day, every day. Here you will also build your personalised ‘Support Circle’.
Get full access to my Pre-IVF-Calendar. This calendar is worth more than you can know. It highlights and maps out increased nutritional and lifestyle needs prior to and during medical IVF cycle and into the two week wait. For example: it shows what you should be focusing on during down regulation or prior to and after egg collection.
Discover what ever man needs to know about promoting sperm health within the MALE SPECIFIC Fertility-Health bonus information which is fully relevant for the male partner going through IVF.
Have my ear once a week to answer any questions you may have! I do of course take breaks – but most weeks I run an hour long live group chat. You send your questions to me the week before and I answer as many as I can during our hour together.

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